Men, Women, Elected Representatives and Political Candidates in Canada.

The Foundational Principles Pledge (FPP) is a non-partisan initiative dedicated to ensuring the accountability and transparency of Canadian elected officials by evaluating their decision-making through the lens of our inherent sovereign rights and freedoms. By equipping Canadians with the critical information necessary to make impactful choices, the FPP empowers voters and promotes leaders who prioritize these fundamental rights. Funded by its founder and independent of political and activist affiliations, the FPP aims to restore Canada’s democratic integrity, ensuring governance truly reflects the people’s will.


Protect our Inherent Sovereign Rights and the Truth.

This will change the game:    

You need to know…

Every pin on the Map represents (1 to 10K+) joined Canadians who will be provided the tools for monitoring and reporting the performance of their elected representatives.

Enough is Enough.

The Voting Power!

 Voters Taking Action !!


In Canada:   27,629,083+

In BC:             3,485,850+

Why a Peoples and Political Principles Pledge?

Establishing True Political Accountabilty.

–   We Vote for our Politicians   –    Are they putting Us first? 


The future depends on you!

Don't be a member of the did not vote Party.


must be

Strong and Free.

In this struggle we must unite..
Voting is, not only a right, it is a must.

Get involved.
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